Acceptable Use Policy
Students are welcome to use digital devices for educational activities. Students may be subject to disciplinary action if they do not follow School rules while using School devices, the School network, and personal digital devices on School grounds or at School events.
This policy does NOT address use of personal networked devices (with the ability to access a non-School network such as Verizon) not connected to the School network. Refer to the Student & Family Handbook for such policies.

Acceptable Use Policy for School Computers and Network
- Use of the Internet at school is for educational purposes only.
- Students should not alter any School computer configuration without permission.
- Students should not download any software or content using the School network or School computers without permission.
- Students must have written permission from a faculty member or be supervised by a faculty member when using digital devices during the school day and/or at school events.
- Students should exercise good digital citizenship, including but not limited to the following:
- Never give out personal information such as your name, address, phone number or password.
- Do not pretend to be someone you are not.
- Be courteous and treat others online with respect.
- Never use inappropriate or vulgar language.
- Never accept emails, files, links, website addresses, etc. from unknown sources or users.
- Adhere to applicable intellectual property guidelines and the Honor Code.
At all times, students and all community members must respect the honor, dignity and privacy of others, as well as the intellectual property of the School and others. Using School computers or the School network, students may not publish:
- identifiable names or photos of other students or community members;
- any personal information about other students or community members; or
- any proprietary School information, including photos of the School on any
- public media (including, but not limited to IM, blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, etc.) without first obtaining the written permission of all those involved.
If you have a question about these rules, ask a teacher for help.
Students may be subject to disciplinary action if they do not follow these rules.