St M is a vibrant learning community because of robust volunteer support from our families. Express your interest in volunteering below!
Volunteer Interest Form
Read Our Guiding Light-Strategic Plan
For over six decades, St. Michael’s Episcopal School has stood as a beacon, illuminating the early years and educational foundation of countless children. As we embark on the journey into the future, our 2023 Strategic Plan remains firmly rooted in the enduring principles that have defined St. Michael’s for generations.
At the core of our mission is an unwavering commitment to educational excellence, instilling values, and fostering spiritual growth. Our vision extends beyond the horizon, embracing innovative approaches to learning while preserving the timeless essence of a St. Michael’s education.
Getting involved with the SMPA is a wonderful way to support your student and the St. Michael’s community.
Volunteer today! SMPA committees and activities offer parents different ways to become involved. Download the SMPA Volunteer Form above and leave it at either of the front offices in Hubbard Hall or Singleton Hall.
Dr. Kim Hilton, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, consults with St. Michael’s students, parents, and teachers to offer emotional, social, and behavioral support. Referrals may come directly from parents or teachers. Following are details on how to connect with Dr. Hilton.
When? On-campus hours are Mondays and Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Where? Office in the Hubbard Hall front office area and circulating in Singleton Hall during study hall
How to communicate? Email [email protected].
2024-25 ILLNESS Reporting Form
For the health and safety of all of our students, faculty, and staff, thank you for informing St. Michael’s if your child is ill and/or has a suspected contagious illness. Please complete this form from the perspective of the student (or faculty/staff member) who is ill.
Our school nurse office hours are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you submit the form outside of these hours, Nurse Maben will follow up the next business morning. Please keep your child AT HOME until you hear from Nurse Maben. For questions, please contact Nurse Maben at [email protected]. Thank you!
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church invites the School community to attend scheduled church events. Please visit the Church website for details.
St. Michael’s is currently accepting applications. Please contact Alison Roussy, Director of Admissions, at 272-3514, to schedule a virtual visit.